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Types of Golf Practice and How Better At Golf Dice Will Help

Updated: Apr 2, 2019

Heading to the range should be fun, challenging and make you better at golf. While at the range, you have various choices when it comes to the type of practice you can follow.

Block Practice

Standing in one spot hitting the same 7 iron over and over is NOT good for your game. This type of Block practice really only helps to empty your wallet and get you out of the house for a couple hours. Block practice is great if you want to soak up some sun and get some fresh air. If this is all you're looking for in practice session, carry on doing what feels easy.

Broken Practice

Broken practice refers to taking short breaks in your practice session. You can still hit the same 7 iron, but for broken practice you would step out of the hitting area, take your hands off the club and reset as you go back into hit another shot. A little more time intensive, but also a better option than block practice.

Random Practice

If you actually want to get better AND have some fun along the way, you will need to embrace random practice. Random practice is a great learning environment for improving your game, random practice should be just like real golf... you never know what shot you're going to have to hit next. The difficult part of random practice is how to get creative and keep your practice random. This is where Better At Golf Dice come in. The dice decide for you what type of shot your have to hit next. Roll the dice, look at the shot you have to try and pull off, hit the shot, give yourself a score. Roll and hit for a series of shots (I like series of 10) and then either start with a second series or go back to the first shot you were asked to hit and try and beat your score. This is where quantified practice comes in.

Quantified Practice

This could be the most important type of practice overall. Writing down and quantifying your practice lets you see in black and white how your game is improving, where it's stagnate, or where you're accelerating. I like to do three sets of 10 rolls/shots in one range session and then come back at a later date to hit the same shots and improve my score. The Better At Golf Tracking Sheet will give you a nice outline for effective quantified practice.

Better At Golf Dice will ask you to hit some out of left field shots: "A flop 8 iron 20 YARDS?! That's crazy." No my friend, that's golf, and using Better At Golf Dice will make your game better.

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